Thursday, December 16, 2010

Back at Earth

Today was an interesting day. I got to the captain after Eva went in and they took the plant from us and planned on throwing us in space after hurting Eva and I. We were in the dumbster when a robot came and stop the door from making us fly outside. I was in so much pain but i still had the plant with  me I gave it to Eva and she threw it away and the only way i would be better was if i was in Earth and then i can replace my eyes and my damage parts. Eva decided to take the plant back to the captain when the security saw us and chased us around but luckily we saw other robots which now they are my friends that helped us get away from the security on the way there the captain made a speech on a screen letting us know were to take the plants. Eva, my friends and I went to the place but when we got there the place was filled with humans that had no clue what was happen I tried puttin the plant in the machine to take us back to earth but then i got crashed by the machine and i couldnt remember anything else. I thought i was in a different planet. Later i got back at Earth but i still didnt know were i was till i finally got my memory back when isaw Eva and i was holding her hands. It made me happy that i finally got to hold her hands then we went inside my house with my new friends.

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