Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In space

Today was a scary and interesting day , i finally found Eva . She was with the captain of the ship Axiom. She was still not moving till they got her awake when the got her her up. There was a news that if any robot that returns the the ship with a plant means they all get to go back to earth. Eva had the plant but when the captain opened up her system the plant was not in her system. Eva was confuse she tried blaming me and asking me why did i follower her to the ship. At first she was mad at me because i followed her back to the ship, because if the security saw me she would be in trouble for helping me get in space. After a while they couldn't find the plant  Eva was disappointed and was ignoring me. I finally got to talk to the Captain i told him my name but then she sent me and Eva to the Repair station for a clean up because i was dirty and Eva needed to get cleaned up too. At the repair station i got cleaned, but suddnely i saw Eva in a different room and it looked like she was getting hurt so i tried so save her but it was nothing big she was just getting cleaned but i crashed the place trying to save her. later on there security was after me for trashing down the repair station i was being chased every were. finally i saw Eva and we saw who took the plant Eva and I went in i took the plant but after that we were in space flying around she was happy that it wasnt me that took the plant from her. Eva went to the captain and gave him the plant but the the auto pilot tried to stop her but he failed but they ended up hurting Eva and I and tried throwing us out of the ship.

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