Monday, December 13, 2010

Wall E day 2

Well i found today to be a very intersting day. I woke up then i went to work at the junk yard. I found interesting things at the junk yard that i took home with me. I found a plant that was still alive and i took it home with me. When i got home home at the front of my door there was a strange laser beem, so i follwed it and it took me to an open space, when something came down from the sky. I had no idea what it was but then something unique came out. Suddenly it went back in the sky but  there was a white robot, it looked very dangerous becuase it kept blowing things up. I kept following her around but i finally got to talk to her. Her name was Eva  she was a very nice person. There was a sand storm outside so we had to run to somewere safe. I took Eva and I to my place becuase it was the safest place to be which was inside, we stayed inside and i showed Eva things around my house which were very interesting. We had a good time then we watched T.v.

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